ZWO Seestar s50
The ZWO Seestar is what is known as a smart telescope. These are designed to make setup and aquiring images extremely simple. Youl could be looking at Nebulae, Galaxies or Star Clusters within minutes.
Connecting to the Seestar is via WiFi and Bluetooth from your mobile telephone or tablet on both Android and Apple devices.
The ZWO Seestar works by utilising live stacking and will show you a view of any target in the sky atlas within a few minutes.
The Seestar is an all in one Telescope with Apochromatic lenses, Autofocuser, camera, ASIair controller and built in light pollution filter.
The Seestar 5 modes - Stargazing (DSO Imaging), Solar, Lunar, Planetary and Scenery (daytime)
There is also a Sky Atlas, nearby map to see other users closeby and a community page wher you can see images taken from users around the globe.
Additionally there is a "tonights best" to help you find targets that are above your horizon.
© Paul Ibbitson