DwarfLabs Dwarf II
The Dwarf II is what is known as a smart telescope. These are designed to make setup and aquiring images extremely simple. You could be looking at Nebulae, Galaxies or Star Clusters within minutes.
It has two lenses that can be used by the operator. A telephoto lens and a wide angle lens.
Connection to the Dwarf II is via WiFi and Bluetooth from your mobile telephone or tablet on both Android and Apple devices.
The Dwarf II works by utilising live stacking and will show you a view of any target in the target list (or manually entered co-ordinates) within a few minutes.
The Dwarf II is an all in one Telescope, Autofocuser, camera, and built in light pollution filter.
The Dwarf II has 6 modes - Photo (standard daytime photography), Video, Astro (DSO, Lunar & Solar Imaging), Panorama, Burst and Time-lapse.
The Dwarf II telephoto lens has a wider field of view than the Seestar so it is ideal for slightly larger targets.